"And the Elohim are saying: 'Bring forth a Fruit Tree yielding Fruit, whose Seed is in Itself'" - Genesis 1:11.
Consider these packets as a formal language for symbolic meditation.
0, infinite emptiness
1, the seed point of beginning
1, a point is a location in space but has no extension into space
1, point of beginning
1, the self
2, the awareness of self
2, the self and the awareness joined by a line
2, the line extends the point into space
2, line of extension is the memory of the point
2, the self and the awareness of self
3, the understanding that the self is not the awareness of self
3, three points on a triangle: (self, awareness, understanding)
3, triangle repeats twice the linear extension of the point into a line
3, repeated duplication
3, repeated duplication is growth and life
4, seed-tree-fruit-seed
4, after the 3 (seed-tree-fruit) comes the 4 (seed in the fruit)
4, the seed in the fruit
1, the seed that gets planted and grows into a Fruit Tree yielding Fruit, whose Seed is in it's SELF
4 = 10 = 1
4, 1+2+3+4 = 10
10, the fruit of the Tree of Life
10, 1+0 = 1
1, the seed of the Tree of Life
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The Tetractys, attributed to Pythagoras |
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The Tetragrammaton - the Name (Shem) YHVH |
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Tetragrammaton as Tetractys |
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Man made in the image of God |
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Tree of Life over the Human body |
"And the Elohim are saying: 'Bring forth a Fruit Tree yielding Fruit, whose Seed is in Itself'" - Genesis 1:11.
Etz Pari = Fruit Tree
OTz PRI = 70+90 + 80+200+10 = 450
450 = 45 * 10
45 = ADM = Adam = Humanity
10 = Sephiroth on the Tree of Life
Conclusion: The Tree of Life pattern only yields fruit when it is planted and grown in Human consciousness. This is achieved by repeatedly bringing to life in one's consciousness the meditations presented above.
tone .
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